Final Project


The goal of the Final Project is to give students the opportunity to apply and further develop their understanding of Digital Twins to a topic close to their graduate research interests.


The Final Project consist of three parts

  1. Proposal consisting of a “one pager” + “5 min pitch”
  2. Project presentation of 20 minutes with 5 minutes questions, presented at the end of the term
  3. A final report

One pager + 5 min pitch

On March 11th, everybody needs to give a 5 minute pitch on their project proposal. That same day, the “one pager” outlining the project is due by 6:00 PM on March 13. See description below. Your seminar will be evaluated with this form. Please send the slides for your presentation to the course instructor with CSE 8803 in the subject line or bring a memory stick. The 5 minutes presentations include time for questions. Since time is limited, the 5 minute limit will be strictly enforced. So please stick to the main message, the problem you want to tackle, what techniques you will be using, and why it is important.

Some hints on the pitch

A 5-minute pitch is not meant to provide technical details. It is rather intended to convey context and goals of the project. A good guideline for structuring such a talk (the same applies to structuring sentences, paragraphs, sections, papers, theses) as follows

  1. Situation (1 min)
  2. Problem (1 min)
  3. Solution (2 min)
  4. Evaluation (1 min)

Finally, always remember who you audience is and tailor your presentation towards that audience.


Concise description of the work to be undertaken. The description should not exceed two pages and should contain

  1. Title of the Final Project
  2. Problem Statement
  3. Relevance
  4. Identification of methodology that will be used to solve the problem

Proposal should be submitted in PDF format or a link to an html page. The project proposals are due March 13 at 6:00 PM and presentations are scheduled for that same day during class. The presentations are five minutes each for each person.

Project presentation at the end of the term

Each project presentation will be allotted 20 minutes precisely with 5 minutes of questions. The seminar should reflect the current status of the project, which may be subject to change when the project is finalized.

The seminar will be evaluated using the following form2.

Final Report

The report needs to be written as a short journal paper. Students will be required to use the IEEE template in two-column mode. The paper should be four-to-six pages including abstract, body text, figures, and bibliography. Reports should consist of

  1. abstract
  2. introduction
  3. problem statement
  4. methodology
  5. results
  6. conclusions
  7. references
  8. appendices

Grading (project alone)

  1. 10% Proposal plus speed presentation
  2. 30% Seminar
  3. 60% Final Report

Late policy

Late submission is unacceptable and will lead to deductions in your grade. The deadline for submission will be communicate in class.

Calendar for events