General introduction

Reading material

Material presented in class

Seismic data acquisition

Material presented in class

From processing to inversion

Reading material

Material presented in class

Compressive sensing

Reading material

  • IEEE Signal Processing Magazine Richard Baraniuk: Compressive sensing and More Is Less: Signal Processing and the Data Deluge
  • Emmanuel Candes and Michael Wakin: An introduction to Compressive Sensing
  • Justin Romberg: Imaging via compressive sampling
  • Felix J. Herrmann: Randomized sampling and sparsity: getting more information from fewer samples. Geophysics 75, WB173 (2010); doi:10.1190/1.350614
  • Felix J. Herrmann, Michael P. Friedlander, Ozgur Yilmaz: Fighting the curse of dimensionality: compressive sensing in exploration seismology

Material presented in class

Linearized inversion

Reading material

  • A. Gisolf. On the shortcomings of linear AVP( AVO/AVA) inversion.

Material presented in class


Reading material

  • Gerhard Pratt: Gauss-Newton and full Newton methods in frequency domain seismic waveform inversion. Geophysical Journal International, 133, 341-362.
  • Andreas Fichtner: Full Seismic Waveform Modelling and Inversion chapter 10 and 11

Material presented in class
