NMO correction

The traveltime as a function of offset of a reflected event can be approximated by the NMO traveltime:

$ \tau(t_0,h) = \sqrt{t_0 + h^2/v^2} $

where $(t_0)$ is the zero-offset or vertical traveltime and $v$ is the effective or NMO velocity.

We can now correct the data for the moveout via a simple coordinate transform:

$ d_{NMO}(t_0,h) = d(\tau(t_0,h),h) $

You can use the function nmo implemented below for this exercise.

Please download data from Dropbox: https://www.dropbox.com/s/lhjuvaidcttigqg/data.zip?dl=0 Password is exact same with the password which you used to access the lecture note.

using Pkg
using Dierckx
function nmo(cmp, t, off, v)
# NMO correction and adjoint 
# use:
#   out = nmo(in,t,h,v,flag)
# input:
#   in   - data matrix of size [length(t) x length(h)], each column is a trace 
#   t    - time vector [s]
#   offsets    - offset vector [m]
#   v    - NMO velocity [m/s] as vector of size [length(t) x 1].
#   flag - 1:forward, -1:adjoint
# output
#   out  - data matrix of size [length(t) x length(h)], each column is a trace 
    if size(cmp, 2) == 1
        return cmp
    # size of data
    nt, nh = size(cmp)
    # make sure t and v are column vectors
    t = t[:]
    v = v[:]
    # initialize output
    out = zeros(nt, nh)
    # loop over offset
    for i = 1:nh
        # NMO traveltime
        tau = sqrt.(t.^2 + off[i].^2 ./v.^2);
        # interpolate, forward or adjoint
        spl = Spline1D(t, cmp[1e-3*T.-t.<1e-5, i])
        out[:,i] = spl(tau)
    return out
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nmo (generic function with 1 method)
using SegyIO, PyPlot
# read the dataset

blocks = segy_read("/home/yzhang3198/Downloads/data_segy/cube2.segy");
┌ Warning: Fixed length trace flag set in stream: IOBuffer(data=UInt8[...], readable=true, writable=false, seekable=true, append=false, size=90663444, maxsize=Inf, ptr=3601, mark=-1)
└ @ SegyIO /home/yzhang3198/.julia/packages/SegyIO/ak2qG/src/read/read_file.jl:26
sx = get_header(blocks, "SourceX";scale=false)
rx = get_header(blocks, "GroupX";scale=false);

# Get the time axis. In this case the time axis is the same for all traces so we only need to extract it from the first trace
# dt needs to be corrected for the binary setup
# All the times are in ms
dt = get_header(blocks, "dt")[1]/1000
nt = get_header(blocks, "ns")[1]
T = 0:dt:(nt-1)*dt
# Midpoint and offset
h = (sx .- rx);
m = (sx .+ rx)./2;
all_m = hcat(m'...)'
fold = [sum(all_m .== unique(all_m)[i]) for i=1:length(unique(all_m))];

all_h = hcat(h'...)';

Pick a midpoint

Im = findall(all_m .== all_m[1000])
offsets = sort((all_h[Im]));
inds = sortperm(all_h[Im])
cmp = Float32.(blocks.data[:, Im[inds]]);
imshow(cmp, vmin=-1, vmax=1, cmap="Greys", aspect=3, extent=[offsets[1], offsets[end], T[end], 0])


PyObject Text(24.0, 0.5, 'time')

Constant velocity NMO correction

nmo_corrected1 = nmo(cmp, 1e-3.*T, offsets, 2000 .+ 0 .*T);
imshow(nmo_corrected1, vmin=-1, vmax=1, cmap="Greys", aspect=3, extent=[offsets[1], offsets[end], T[end], 0])


PyObject Text(24.0, 0.5, 'time')


We can see a lot of `artifacts' in the NMO corrected gather above. To avoid some of the artifacts, the midpoint gathers are often windowed to select reflected data only. All events that arrive before the direct wave are removed. A typical window looks like this (Hint: the slope of the triangle is related to the veloctity of the direct wave).

# grid
tt = [1e-3*ti for ti in T for h in offsets]
hh = [h for ti in T for h in offsets]

# initialize window to zero and set times later than first arrival to 1.
W=0 .*tt;W[tt .> (.1 .+ abs.(hh)./1500)] .= 1
W = reshape(W, size(cmp)[2], size(cmp)[1])
imshow(W', vmin=0, vmax=1, cmap="jet", aspect=3, extent=[offsets[1], offsets[end], T[end], 0])


PyObject Text(24.0, 0.5, 'time')
muted = W'.*cmp;
imshow(muted, vmin=-1e0, vmax=1e0, cmap="Greys", aspect=3, extent=[offsets[1], offsets[end], T[end], 0])


PyObject Text(24.0, 0.5, 'time')

Stack power

To figure out which NMO velocity optimally flattens all the events, we can scan through a range of constant NMO velocities and see which events are flattened for which velocity. One way to judge flatness of an event is via the stackpower. The stackpower is just a sum along the offset direction of the values-squared of the NMO-corrected gather:

$ S(t_0,v) = \int!!\mathrm{d}h\, d(\tau(t_0,h,v),h)^2 $

The function $ S(t_0,v) $ is called a semblance panel.

The desired NMO velocity can be found by picking the maximum as a function of $t_0$ and $v$ from the semblance panel.

An example of a semblance panel and the resulting NMO velocity is shown below.

v = 1000:(3000-1000)/(500-1):3000
# scan over velocities
S = zeros(length(T),length(v));
for k = 1:length(v)
    cmp_nmo = nmo(muted, 1e-3.*T, offsets, v[k] .+ 0 .*T);
    S[:,k]  = sum(cmp_nmo .^2, dims = 2);
#Plot semblance panel
imshow(S, vmin=0, vmax=1e3, cmap="jet", aspect=1, extent=[v[1], v[end], T[end], 0])


PyObject Text(24.0, 0.5, 'tau')
#  pick v/tau pairs
tv   = 1e3*[0,    0.30, 0.35, 0.46, 0.65, 1.27, 2.00];
vnmo =     [1500, 1500, 1600, 1700, 2000, 2179, 3000];
spl = Spline1D(tv, vnmo; k=1)
vnmo_all = spl(T);

Look at the velocity profile with the picked tau/v pairs

# Enable gui to have the cursor and pick v/tau pairs
imshow(S, vmin=0, vmax=1e3, cmap="jet", aspect=1, extent=[v[1], v[end], T[end], 0])
plot(vnmo_all, T, "-k")


PyObject Text(24.0, 0.5, 'tau')
nmo_corrected = nmo(muted, 1e-3.*T, offsets, vnmo_all) ;
imshow(nmo_corrected, vmin=-1e0, vmax=1e0, cmap="Greys", aspect=3, extent=[offsets[1], offsets[end], T[end], 0])


PyObject Text(24.0, 0.5, 'time')

Velocity analysis

Repeat the above outline procedure for a couple of mipdoint positions xm (e.g., xm = [500 1000 2000]). Organize the resulting NMO velocities in a matrix Vm (where column i is the NMO velocity for midpoint xm[i]) interpolate the results to obtain a velocity for all the midpoints. You can either do Spline1D on every row of Vm, or do Spline2D which interpolates both time T and midpoint position xm. Plot the velocity and discuss.

Using this NMO velocity, we can produce an NMO stack. Perform an NMO correction of all the midpoint gathers using the corresponding NMO velocity derived above and sum each along the offset direction. Organize all the stacks in a matrix and plot the result. Also make a stack using a constant NMO velocity. Discuss the results.